The Core

The FZ solutions are allowing the use of additive manufactured components for practically any applications.

FZ helps industries to integrate 3D printed metal, polymer, composite, or multiple material parts to their supply chains with its innovative software and leading-edge post-processing solutions. Why? Because it improves the internal or external surface roughness, mechanical properties, and dimensional precision of these manufactured components.

With FZ 3D manufacturing Zenith™ software and systems, enter a new industrial era, where many financial and competitive advantages are now accessible.

The FZ Additive Manufacturing process

This workflow allows our customers to efficiently access the strategic benefits of Premium Additive Manufacturing

Reduce inventory

  • No minimum order quantity required
  • Allows real just-in-time manufacturing
  • Allows spare parts manufacturing on-demand
  • Minimal tooling inventory required
  • Lower number of sub-components where merging of parts can be applied.

Inscrease speed to market

  • Reduced lead times in production launch due to minimal tooling requirements.
  • Increase speed of product development cycles with fast manufacturing, and iterations, of premium fully functional prototypes.
  • Rapid deployment of single or mass production manufacturing.

Reduce Waste

  • Precise quantity of materials for manufacturing.
  • Minimum quantity of energy consumed.
  • Minimum quantity of raw material used.
  • Minimized risk of human error.

Produce stronger and lighter parts

  • Eliminate many engineering design constraints for manufacturing.
  • Allows maximised strength at minimal volume of material.
  • Gives access to exotic engineering materials at lower costs.

Lower emissions

  • Minimum quantity of energy consumed.
  • Precise quantity of materials for manufacturing.
  • Allows breakthrough designs of ecofriendly sustainable systems.
  • Significant impact in lowering manufacturing emissions compare to traditional methods.
  • Reduce carbon footprint.

Improve efficiency

  • Enables topology optimizations for high efficiency designs and systems.
  • Allows high performance components with increased mechanical properties.
  • Superior life cycle of products.

Eliminate costly tooling

  • No tools needed for 3D manufacturing processes.
  • Few fixtures, jigs and consumables required for post-processing and control.

Enable mass customization

  • Allows the possibility to manufacture mass, or small batch, customized products at no additional cost.
  • Possibility of multiple customized components in a single production cycle.

Manufacture geometries and complex architectures that could not be created before

  • Allows topology optimisation.
  • Can lead to free-form structures that were not feasible with conventional manufacturing.
  • Consolidate design and improve reliability versus assembly of multiple components.
  • Design and manufacture with limited constraints.

Now onboarding the FZ paradigm shift.

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